Sunday, April 3, 2011

" Everything exposed by the light becomes visible,
for everything that becomes visible is light. "

What I learned from mass last night:
Traditionally, there are three readings which are taught in all Baptism classes. The first one is the Gospel from last Sunday (Jesus' encounter with a woman of Samaria at the well; Jn 4:5-42), the second one is the reading of this Sunday ( Jn 9:1-41) and the last one--next Sunday.

Last week's Gospel portrays Jesus as "water," the source that fulfills our undying thirst. Today, we saw that he is the "light" of the world that opens up our blinded eyes. I haven't looked yet at what the next week's Gospel is, but all these metaphors imply that He leads our way to eternal peace.

Through Him, our destination becomes visible, and through Him, our thirst is quenched.

Many times, we are pressured to make important decisions
...and we are more vulnerable to be tempted by the outside voices. But I hope I remember that He is the light and compass of my way, and as long as I stay in him, no decision will do me wrong.

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