Wednesday, October 13, 2010

그래 눈도 큰데 말이야

Every time you wish something, keep your eyes wide open, focus and know exactly what you want. No one hits the target with eyes closed.

Paulo Coelho
The Devil and Miss Prym

I don't even remember what this book was about.
But in a quest for Bread of Life, I searched through my silver diary from '08 and got one.
My solution #1 summarized in five letters: f-o-c-u-s
갑자기 잘 뛰다가 내가 왜 뛰는지 모르겠을 때가 있다.
내 존재를 온전히 의식하며 뛰고 있다고 믿었는데도 말이다.
내가 원하는 것이 아니라면 이끌려 가지 않을꺼다.
그리고 내가 무얼 원하는지 아는 힘은 나에게 있다.

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1 comment:

  1. This post relates me too well.

    #1. Belief that I always have control of my life, even when I don't.
    #2. The word that surfaced from my recent experiences was: self-discipline.
