Tuesday, November 20, 2012

poor alive anxious little thing


Where does anxiety come from?
What is the root and the reasoning behind this inconvenient feeling?

1. Fear to not meet people's expectation
2. Realizing that you are not all "that".
3. Skepticism about being able to re-start.
4. Possibility that you will be rejected from your adored others
5. Weight gain, hair loss, or a gigantic pimple on your face
6. Losing focus in life
7. Lifestyle that calls for cardiovascular diseases or stroke
8. Food poisoning
9. Natural disaster
10. Seeing your parents age
11. Preparing for a oral presentation
12. Getting bitten by a mosquito that carries West Nile Virus

두려워도 두렵다고 말하지 못할 때가 많다.
두렵다고 소리질러도 아무도 못듣진 않을까 두려움.
그리고 안그런척 방긋 웃는 나의 이해못할 자존심.

Sometimes when I am anxious, I ask myself,
"Hyun, what is troubling you?"
Many times I realize that my anxiety stems from 10% of reality and 90% of distorted perception of reality.

Distorted. Twisted.
Just for one night.

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