unpredictable girl saying hi to her 2011
The summary of my game plan for this year:
"The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer... He can visualize something (year 2010), and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen (year 2011). -- Robert L. Schwartz"
Let's go.
Bonus (Thanks to Bea):

저 주책맞은 놈을 좀 보게나..
으하하하. 사진에서 좀 찾아야했음.
ReplyDelete현아~! 새해 복 많이많이많이 받아~!!
나도 많이 보고싶습니당 ㅠㅜ
ReplyDelete새해 복 많이 많이 받고, 올해도 대~박 납시다 여러분!