As I was coming into Framingham this morning:
(FYI-I didn't take this so no worries. Google image.)

A navy blue truck hit a SPONTANEOUS break in front of me when we were entering the Fasspass tollgate, then made another quick move to switch to the "cash only" lane. Thank goodness my intact sympathetic nervous system responded diligently and directed me to
also make a sudden halt.
Whew! Not another accident!
My initial reaction after sparing my life was a relief, but, quickly followed by it was a rising anger.
Does he know what he is doing?I never seem to find a good timing to do it, but this time, I did. I honked.
But the moment I did it, I regretted.
This could have well been his first time visiting this area.
Maybe the driver is an old man, who is totally confused by the driver-UNfriendly highway system in Massachusetts.
I couldn't look at him
? , and I wanted to avoid any possible moment of eye contact, so I just jolted out of the tollagate.
This may sound very trivial, and in truth, it is.
But why bother ruminating over it? because I think I could have avoided the frustration if I had more room in my range of consciousness-- room to give the benefit of the the "likely" difficult situations, room to understand more, and room for me to find
and most of all, all this attempt to
accept is just for my own sake.
For my own well-being and peace of mind.
무거운 장바구니를 들고 가고 있는데 앞에 오던 사람과 부딫혀서 바구니에 있던 물건들이 다 쏟아졌다고 해보자. 계란도 깨지고, 사과는 바닥에 데굴데굴..
뭐야? 누구야?..라고 화를 내려는 찰나에 우리는 그 사람이 장님이었다는것을 알게된다.
그럼 너무 미안하겠지?