This agile mosaic of my beautiful childhood fairy tale is falling into pieces.
In search for the Truth, I've been living my life by vehemently following what attracts me and swimming toward that which is the most representative of me. But I realize that this may not be the wisest way of dealing with the adult world. In this peculiar combination of factors that define an "adult"--entering into the mid-20's, entering the job force, building reputations, etc.-- I find it more difficult to connect to the percolating world outside of me.
Most of all, I hate having to calculate.
I've never liked math as a child, and it cringes me to think that it still troubles me until this day. The Little Prince was right: the grown-ups love numbers. Some things more qualitative, are dealt in such a quantified manner that we become incredibly skillful at converting almost any encounter to a nasty give-and-take relationship.
We shouldn’t have to worry about drawing the mental line to cue friendship versus infatuation.
We shouldn’t have to work hard in order to please our bosses or that sort of higher figures.
And most of all, we shouldn’t be calculating how opened s/he was to us in order to share our own pellucid interiors.
But of course, it is much easier said than done. Be truthful. Such a cliché, isn't it? I just want to be me and hope that people would accept my words and actions as the mirrors of my unembellished soul. The deepest of a soul doesn’t need decorations, after all.

Kids I met in Mexico.
아이들에게도 배울점은 참 많다. 그들에게는 참 신비한 마법이 있어 항상 곁에 두고싶은걸.
웃고싶을때 웃고, 싫은표현에 솔직하고..유치한게 아니라 이게 진정으로 사람 대하는것을 아는것이 아닐까. 사람 말고 다른것에 가치를 두면서 더 바보가 되어가는것이지만, 어른들도 한때는 오신부님께서 말씀하시는 인격적인 관계를 잘 맺는 종족들이었다.
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