2. You are in the middle of a fast-moving crowd.
3. Amidst the crowd, there is a man [most likely homeless] lying on the floor.
4. His entire body is shaking--he must be having a seizure.
With all these situations combined, what do you think you'd do?
이상황에서 당신이라면 어떻게 하시겠나요?

Generally, speaking, we have strong faith in our good nature. We are so sure that we are incapable of neglecting justice, charity, or any opportunity to demonstrate our warmth. But more often than not, we change according to situations and we succumb to an "uncontrollable" force. The true image you firmly believe in, actually, might reveal itself as a surprising character. "It wasn't my choice," we'd say. "This was a special case." So what.
Around 10:30pm tonight, I :
1. arrived in 서울역 (Seoul train station).
2. It is semi-crowded from people coming in and out of the capital.
3. (same as the above).
4. (same as the above).
나는 이 상황에서 어떻게 했을까?
사람들은, 다른 사람들은...
fidget for a moment, display a look of shock/discomfort, and finally, walk away feeling uneasy. I could've easily passed too. Why not--that's what everyone's doing. As I was making heavy steps toward the gate, I feel a flood of fear and disappointment. I have disappointed myself because the courage I thought I have in me, was nowhere to be seen at that moment. I am just like everyone else.
When this struck me, I make hysterical footsteps toward any direction and my consciousness hits that there is a police station in the corner of the building. There was nothing much I could do, so I just report this whole situation. They calm me down: "Show us where it is and we will take care of it."
I get out of the station and call JW to explain everything that just happened to me. But I burst into tears because this is all too overwhelming. I'm too busy giving excuses for why I couldn't be more courageous. But the tears were really from the feeling of emptiness I got after I find out that I can be like every passenger who just goes with the flow and ignores inner voice.
So I end up NOT being a passenger, but what presses me is the fact that, it is so easy to deny my morals. I though I'd be different. 난 정말 나는 다를줄 알았는데 말이다.
You were different.
ReplyDeleteAnd you were normal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_responsibility.
You did well. Don't feel empty.
you did something.
ReplyDeleteSomething is much better than Nothing.
잘했어 토닥토닥 :)
언니 블로그 다시 활동화 시켰네~ 기다렸어 ^^
ReplyDeleteThank u for sharing. I'd like to share something too. Just a thought: perhaps rather than being too focused on being disappointed our failures, lets me thankful for being able to recognise our wrong doing. Thats a step in itself. Lets thank God for shedding light on our darkness, for helping us see that there is room for us to grow still. The more we get closer to His light, the more darkness we will find in ourselves but thats gotta be a good thing right? :) Only when we discover this, we can grow towards 'perfection'/holiness, the person God had always created us to be. 화이팅 to all of us on this amazing journey. My prayers are with u~
Dear Anonymous #1:
ReplyDeleteThat's EXACTLY what I was talking about!!! Yesterday's incident was the EPITOME of the bystander effect. When I was learning about this in psychology, I told myself that I'm not going to be one of the bystanders. Coudn't see myself being part of the "normal" crowd. When I realized that I am "diffusing" my responsibility is when I started making those hysterical move to the police station.
Dear Anonymous #2:
I had to really try to do that "something". Thank you for acknowledging, darling<3 You gotta tell Google to bring your identity back!
Dear Flora:
What a compliment that you've been waiting for my postings! This incidence was a good checking point for my detecting of where I stand morally and spiritually. I am weak, like "others" that I mentioned. We are only humans. Like you said, I see my weakness but won't turn this to an abyss. There is always room to grow. Indeed, it's a blessing that we have a destination/direction. It's always God.
Thank you to you all.
I didn't mean this posting to be a "console me, tell me i did okay" type-of whining, but I do feel much better after your props :)
the blogger.