Wednesday, October 27, 2010

something blue, something fresh

1. last weekend, I visited Jini in Busan ♡

2. Series of papers, life in front of the computer, clock ticking here and there..
I don't mean to complain. You know me--I like it busy♬
But, wow boy, does the ocean breeze feel good or what..

3. How do you prefer to spend your weekend: mountains or the beach?
I am a Cali girl who spent her childhood running up and down the mountain soils.
Give me either and I will make the best out of it :)

4. I don't think I breathe 100%.
I feel like I inhale 60% of my lung capacity
and exhale 70% out.
Sometimes we need to just simply breath-0n-breath-out. Deep ones.
Sometimes, all that matters is the fact that we are still breathing.
'Cause as long as we breathe, we can project to any direction from this point on.

5. Anyways,
I like this picture a lot!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

그래 눈도 큰데 말이야

Every time you wish something, keep your eyes wide open, focus and know exactly what you want. No one hits the target with eyes closed.

Paulo Coelho
The Devil and Miss Prym

I don't even remember what this book was about.
But in a quest for Bread of Life, I searched through my silver diary from '08 and got one.
My solution #1 summarized in five letters: f-o-c-u-s
갑자기 잘 뛰다가 내가 왜 뛰는지 모르겠을 때가 있다.
내 존재를 온전히 의식하며 뛰고 있다고 믿었는데도 말이다.
내가 원하는 것이 아니라면 이끌려 가지 않을꺼다.
그리고 내가 무얼 원하는지 아는 힘은 나에게 있다.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Monday, October 11, 2010

if i fell in love with you would you promise to be true and help me understand 'cause i've been in love before and i found that love was more than jus

Please, let me have the honor to introduce you to my favorite autumn Beatles song.
Watch this video (from A Hard Day's Night) and tell me you don't love the Beatles.
No, don't you dare.....

Sunday, October 10, 2010



당신과 있으면 맑은 공기를 마시며 산책하는것 같아요...라는 언니의 표현이 너무 예뻤다 :) 혜진언니의 행복한 마음이 나에게도 느껴져서 나도 괜히 취한듯 언니를 바라보았다
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My thoughts, like the clouds

Pictures from 청계 (Chung-Gye) Mountains this weekend :)

미국에서 서울로 올때 단어를 하나 정해왔다: "꿋꿋이"

치열하고 남의 시선 의식해야 하는 사회에서 내 귀를 닫고 꿋꿋이 내 갈길만 충실히 걷겠노라고 다짐했었다. 하지만 로마에 가면 로마의 법을 따르라고 했다지..이젠 한국 생활방식에도 순응하는 방법을 좀 배워야 할 것 같다. 잘난척 그만하고 나도 "그들"의 일부가 되어야 겠다는 생각이 든다는 말이다. 난 내 방식이 개성이라고 생각했지만 그 단어가 조화의 반대말로 받아들여 지는건 또 너무 쉽더라.

그리운 사람들이 있다.
그리운 내 세상이 있다.
하지만 가슴 찡하게 그리워하지는 않을꺼다.
나처럼 동해번쩍 서해번쩍 하는 사람들은 그리움에 발 담그면 한없이 푹 꺼질 수 있기 때문에.

매봉까지 올라 저 예쁜 광경을 보고도 가슴이 시원하지 않은건 좀 손해 본 느낌이지만,
내려오는 길 내내 나의 이야기 다 들어준 청계산과 모처럼 만난 티나초에게 무한 감사할 따름 ♥

Monday, October 4, 2010


America runs on Dunkin.
...or so they say.

Korea runs on kimchi.
...and it's a fact.

Obnoxious inflation on cabbage prices in the market has brought a cascade of some fantastical phenomena.

one cabbage costs 15000 won (~$13), dollar value some restaurants started posting up signs that says, "Pay extra 2000 won (~$1.5) if you want an extra [miniscule] side dish of kimchi :D" Neologism "금치" arises from gold-chi Korea Univ. Hospital started serving alternatives, such as 깍두기 (raddish kimchi), and it's been cabbage-free for 2 straight weeks newspaper says a lady got caught while stealing 10 cabbages. Asked why and she confesses, "I wanted to eat kimchi (김치 먹고 싶어서)" Pres. Rhee attempts to confort poor Korean souls by stating that soon, massive amount of cabbages will be imported from China

The highlight of my Monday became the moment when I found a container full of frozen 김치찌개(kimchi containing stew) that probably has been sitting in my fridge since July ♬

For those of you who don't know, there's a song--it's a pretty serious song--that was written by someone who obviously had deep insight about Korean energy source: "김치 없인 못살아 정말 못살아! (I can't live without kimchi, I really can't!)"

What a disaster..쩝..

요즘 한국에서 유행은 고기 안에 상추를 쌈해먹는 것이랍니다~ :)