I don't have much luck fighting for an empty seat when I join the human traffic, either because my eyes are not fast enough at spotting those treasures or because I am not ballsy enough to challenge the other competitor.
But I always end up making a comfortable trip back home, enjoying my kindle-reading and people-watching on a nicely cushioned 4호선 train. How do I get by this? I read each face carefully upon entrance and make a suave move in front of that person who I know is going to get off within the next few stops. This, actually, is the mastery I've cherished during my month of subway commute.
I wanted to say that this funny phenomenon is all due to intuition.
Just because I took more psychology courses than those non-psyc majors, just because I fantasize the world of Hercule Poirot, I wanted to say that I have this particular feelings about people. In truth, we are all detectives and mind-readers.
The postures..the way they are holding their belongings..the way they look at me..
We carry with us ample clues as to advertise our past (+future) actions as well as who we are overall.
It's not just face reading.
People watching is generally very much enjoyable.
...and subway, I'd say, is the best place to stare at people.
I am everyday fascinated by interesting people.
조용히 빵을 먹다 나와 눈이 마주치고 씽-긋 웃는 아줌마,
헨드폰으로 1박2일을 보면서 박장대소하는 남학생,
모처럼 빈자리가 났는데 혼자만 쏙 앉는 남자친구,
나는 의식 밖인, 졸며 가차없이 헤딩하는 아가씨
:-) I thank gene mutations, genetic drift, natural selection, and all other biological phenomena , as well as parenting, socialization, puberty, and all other developmental landmarks for such an interesting world.
My current Kindle read is: Snoop- What Your Stuff Says About You by Sam Gosling.
I am not much of a personality psychologist, but my daily subway ride has just gotten more interesting. My eyes will be busy reading but they will also be yearning for another analysis of another 아줌마 in front of me. Oh my.. 삼각지 to 고잔 is just not far enough!
lovely post :D
ReplyDeleteand yes, subway is the best place for people watching!
Don't believe in cases for electronics?
ReplyDeleteI do have one. I undressed my baby 김들 (her name-_-) just for a nice picture.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's far superior to 킨현.