Wednesday, September 30, 2009

길들여진다는것 / 어린왕자3

1 :

"People have forgotten this truth," the fox said.
"But you musn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed."


" If I knew a song of Africa,
of the giraffe and the African New Moon lying on her back,
of the plows and the fields, and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers,
Does Africa know a song of me? "

- from Out of Africa


매일 보는 Route 9의 나무들,
매일 입술을 대는 나의 빈티지 찻잔,
매일 보는 얼굴들,
매주 금요일 보는 얼굴들,
매주 토요일 보는, 매주 일요일 보는 얼굴들

그렇게 조금씩 습관이 생긴다.
무엇인가에 길들여진다는 그 조심스러운 설레임...
우리가 만났다는것, 그리고 계속 마주치게 된다는것 그 사실 만으로도 우리는 서로에게 책임감이 있는거다. 너의 평안함도 내 책임이고, 너의 마음고생도 내 책임 안이다. 우리는 그렇게 길들여지면서 닮아가고 서로의 살과 피가 되어 갈텐데, 노사연의 노래처럼 우리의 만남은 정말 우연이 아니겠구나.


어쩜 좋지
3번까지 쓰고 달콤한 기분으로 머리를 말리려고 하는데 전화가 왔다.
마음이 정말 잘 통하는 친구가 지금 매우 울쩍한데 이친구는 지금 한사람에게 너무 길들여져서 자신을 그사람으로부터 떼어내는것을 너무 힘들어해한다.
사람 뿐만 아니라 행동,생각..뭐든지 너무 길들여진다는건 정말 무서운일. 집착과 중독을 불러오기 때문이다.
머리속에 다시 생각이, 하고싶은 말이 마구마구 많아지고그말을 다 하려면 포스팅을 하나 더 써야할텐데
내일은 오전 7시 반까지 남의 오줌을 받으러 가야하기 때문에 (= 임신테스트) 난 꼭 지금 침대에 누워야 하겠다.

good night-

Friday, September 25, 2009

work talk1

영화배우로는 Jude Law를 별로 좋아하진 않았지만 그렇게 생긴 민간인이 나의 일상생활에 나타나는 일이 생기면 그때는 말이 달라진다. 무조건 쥬드가 좋은거고, 그렇게 생긴 민간인은 좀 더 현실적?이기 때문에 또 더 좋은거다.


제가 일하는곳 자랑을 좀 하자면,
우리 연구소 복도에는 헐리우드 배우들만 걸어다닌다는 겁니다.
특히 저의 트레이닝을 담당한 저스틴은 그중 진짜 쥬드라서 제가 가끔 테스트보다 테스 관찰에 더 집중 하기도 하지요 ' _'

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Insofar as humanity is concerned, all stories are bound to reveal components of love at some point. To love is a source of pleasure in and of itself, and here, I clarify that I mean love, not romance. Friendship might be a more fitting term then. Because essentially, everyone can be friends, though not everyone can exactly with other everyone. Friendship--once that bond is made and that chemistry starts flowing, it works wonders to a deeper degree than romance does. Perhaps because it's less poignant but more calm and long-lasting. That's just my raw theory.

This is not a (= not the) love story. I lik it cuz it's not.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I heart

I LJ (La Jolla)
I Boston (too bad they couldn't come up with a two-letter abbreviation for this)

Here are just a few of the onmipresent "I " series. I am sure there is one for every single city and their little villages and their little streets (not really to that much detail), but those five are the ones that I've actually seen at the souvenir shops.

And here is one that gave me a hearty laugh : "Go YOUR OWN city"

And here is one that gave me a hearty smile : " I "

Peter's hat says that. My immediate reaction was, " So Peter, what do you love?" and his response was simply a repetition those two words again, yet the second time, I could grasp its meaning in a deeper sense. In his Peter-ish smile and tone of voice, he said, "!"

I .
I ♥ the feeling of crisp fall air cooling my nostrils
♥ the morningly classic with my morningly coffee
♥ my Jetta baby (officially named Amelia)
♥ my room
♥ my work
♥ the welcoming minds
♥ the giggles from bottomless (and also useless) hypothetical scenarios.
♥ the soothing voice and heart-warming reports from a far away land

The joy of living sinks under my skin from head to toe. Every day presents itself as another gift to me, and I am happy and tickled to anticipate another morning of my story. I see me in Boston, and Boston starts smelling like me.

La vie est belle. Hence, I love.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

가을이 오면 ♬ - 이문세

엘에이 갈비 먹고 싶지 않았지만
몸이 필요해 하는것 같아서 한줄 김치랑 먹었다. 근데 그러지 말았어야 했나? 배가 지금도 쫌 불편하다.

오늘 성당에는 가지 않으려고 했었다.
새벽공기를 마셔서 퇴근할때쯤에는 에너지가 바닥나기 때문이다.
거짓말 아니고, 오늘밤은 정말 조신하게 집에서 책이나 마저 읽으려고 했다.

집에 오면서는 울 생각이었다.
신부님께서 라이드를 주시는 바람에 손에 들고있던 보리차가 식기도 전에 집앞에 도착하게 되었지만.
방에 들어왔을때에는 이미 울기 위해 필요한 분위기와 마음가짐이 깨져버린 후였다.
샌디에고에서 전화가 와서 너무 웃고 난 후였고.

여기에 일기 안쓰려고 했다.
오늘 눈떠서 낙서 포함, 일기장에 끄적인것만 빽빽 채워 2페이지..이정도면 됐잖아" 생각했다.
근데 쓴다. 눈 반 감겨도 그냥 쓰고 잔다.

오늘 일어난 일들은 고기 먹은것만 빼고는 모두 후회하지 않는다.
배가 불편한것도 자면서 몰래 (내 의식도 모르게) 방귀 몇번끼면 괜찮아 지겠지. =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

O my Daddy-o 2

Dear Heavenly Father,
You must be speaking to me at this moment, right through those words.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

O my Daddy-o

" 떡 사줄까?"
눈병때문에 속상해서 입 쭉-내밀고 있으면 아빠는 무슨 어린아이 달래듯.... 저 이제 그런 탄수화물 가지고 기분 쉽게 풀을 수 있는 나이는 지났거덩요?
엄마도 괜히 저한테 미안한 일 있으면 고구마 쪄놓으시던데. 흥. 저 그렇게 쉬운여자(..?) 아니잖아요!

방금전에도 출근 잘했냐고 물어보셨는데, 그럼요 그럼요. 출근. 그 단어 저한테 아직 너무 어색한데 "비오는 날의 수채화" 부르던 그 꼬마를 기억하시는 아빠는 얼마나 더 웃기시겠어요..

아빠, 블로그 스토킹 하시는거 알아서 오늘 김민경씨 스페셜 에디션이에요. 어느날 갑자기아빠사진 보이면 감동 많이 잡수시죠?ㅋ 히히 우리는 우리사이 자랑해도 되니깐~ ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009


"People haven't time to learn anything.

They buy things ready-made in stores. But
since there are no stores where you can buy
friends, people no longer have friends."

Our hearts are often troubled during the process of acknowledging that we
are all just different people. Sometimes, we hope others would take part of
our emotions, feelings, and thoughts at this exact moment;
and from deep down under,we even expect them to reciprocate our dear effort
to connect to them. Perhaps, all we need is just two words: "I understand."

Not everybody understands me, nor do I feel everyone.
In fact, this oh-so-natural occurrence brings much more excitement to
meeting new people, as I have realized within the past week.
Whew-! Such a relief how we can't customize people the way we want!
(Can you even imagine building friends like you build stuffed animals
at Build-A-Bear stores? Or do you dare to have instant, microwaveable friends
who you revitalize, only to make slaves of your words?)

I am truly appreciating my 인복 (=blessing for acquaintances). Every time I attempt to
whine and ask God for explanations, he gives a little bang on the head by
(somehow) getting my family and friends' voices to reach my soul. He does this
ever so often, and doesn't hesitate to overwhelm me with new voices from
new encounters too.

So he continues with the ultimate 인복 blueprinting for Hyun Monica.
People I met in Boston (so far) have been--beyond my expectation--inspirational, and I plan
to use all my talking and listening abilities to communicate with their beautiful minds.
This posting is a reminder for myself to reassure that I absorb and tolerate differences
that I may come upon. No surprise and just...

Cheers ♩

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dear wise women,

NAVER 지식iN [ 캐롤 잘 보내고 잘 남는법 ▼ ] [검색] [통합검색] 고급검색

해가 막 뜨기 시작한 하늘과 viva la vida ♪, 시계소리만 크게나는 아침 연구실, 이 모든것의 조화라....
이거이거 뭔가 좋은데? =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dear wise men,

NAVER 지식iN [ 차안의 스컹크 냄새 없애기 ] [검색] [통합검색] 고급검색

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the unlovable

If only Daisy said bye to her friend five minutes later,
she wouldn't have gotten into a car accident, Benjamin Button wouldn't have visited her in the hospital, and they wouldn't have fell in love with each other again. Sadly, we can only make assumptions, and we'll never know the outcome of "the other case"-- especially because his was a Curious Case too.

If only Kim Hyun Monica decided she wanted soymilk along with her cereal five minutes later, Carol Yun and she would've left her house five minutes later, would've missed unnecessary confrontation with a skunk, and ultimately, would've avoided the fart. The fart.

Shame on me, and shame on Silk, the dangerously delicious soymilk brand. Why did I even want to get soymilk at friggin' 9pm and why did DingDong (the skunk) have to pop out of the bush at that exact time? Synchronous with our scream was his butthole (Note: presuming that it's a male) and what came out of that little pickaboo was an extremely pungent gas, which doesn't seem to disappear even after an hour.

As I speak of this misfortune, my washer is spinning two sets of hoodies, sweat pants, and undershirts in a full load, heavy duty, extra rinse setting. Is my brain doing some tricks on me or am I really still smelling DingDong's remainings?... It could just be that he farted on my upper lip; my nose still only smells the fart.

Happy Labor Day! ㅠ _ㅠ

Saturday, September 5, 2009

little knockin' on the door

"You cannot afford to wait for perfect conditions. Goal setting is often a matter of balancing timing against available resources. Opportunities are easily lost while waiting for perfect conditions."

- Gary Ryan Blair

I guess there will never be a moment of realization for "perfect timing." What is perfect, anyways? Very unfortunate, but we often miss the beauty of now while dreading over uncertainties, and I just can't be standing here watching jewels slip through my fingers. And there is some harsh truth to this, but I feel that this fresh fall aroma of 2009 will be forever gone too once it passes. Do you see that too?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Potential name for my new Volkswagen = Amelie.
Any suggestions are welcomed.

> _< !

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

IF♬ -bread

Ok. I am not too proud of this picture, but it epitomizes the image I want to portray to others, and more importantly, to me. That is me. I am overall and nevertheless a very happy person. I always was, and I expect that's how I will be in the future too.


Maybe I did look sad today.
The server at Dunkin' told me to smile as he was handing me my latte. "I'm sorry. what?" Never have I ever in my life hear that I look unhappy. From a stranger too. It's funny how this guy, even this random guy, could read my face. I told him that in fact, I was having a bad day. he gave me two munchkins for free.
and of course, sweets always work for me.

This Dunkin' guy looked nothing like an angel (no offense..) but at least at that moment, I felt like God was sending me a messenger to brighten my day.

or somethin'