It's thirty minutes till July.
It's time that I feed my second child :)
Her name is Juno.
She eats only on the first day of every month.
I had to remember this--so I wanted to name her with something to do with "one" to remind myself, and because I have some Spanish-language background in me (=I went to school in San Diego and made a short visit to Mexico a few times....-_-), I decided to use the word "uno" to spice it up a little. And I thought using a "J" would be a good idea because she is from Jennell.
Hence, this girl is named Juno.
She is the tiniest cactus I've (and you've) ever seen.
I have another child and that one's a boy.
Someday I will introduce him to you :) He's gorgeous!
I live with two plants, a newly bought fan, and a newly bought coffee table.
It's a full house that I live in.